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Der vises to telefoner. Den ene viser logoet for smittestop-appen. Den anden viser forsiden når appen er i brug. Her kan man tænde og slukke appen, se om man har modtaget notifikationer om smitterisiko samt angive hvis man er testet positiv for COVID-19.

Download smitte|stop – the official Danish COVID-19 contact tracing app

  • With the smitte|stop contact tracing app, we can all contribute to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • The app is a supplement to the general guidelines and advice outlined by the Danish public health authorities in an effort to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19.
  • Downloading and using the app is voluntary, and the more people that do so, the more the app can help us preventing the spread of the virus.

Notify others if you test positive for coronavirus/COVID-19

  • If you test positive, you can easily share your result with other app users that you have been in close contact with, for example on public transport or in restaurants.
  • When you share your positive test result in smitte|stop, the other users cannot identify you as an individual. Nobody will know who or where you are. Nor will they know when they were in close contact with you.
  • You can only use the app to notify other app users. If you test positive, we strongly encourage you to please still notify family members, friends etc. who have spent time near you.
A phone is displayed with the front of the app when it is in use.

Receive an alert if you have been in close contact with another app user diagnosed with coronavirus/COVID-19

  • You will receive an alert if you have been in close contact with an app user who has subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 and has chosen to share his or her test result in smitte|stop.
  • As you may have been infected, you will be instructed to follow the public health authorities’ advice and guidance, including to be tested.
A phone is displayed where the user has received a notification from the app.

Downloading and using smitte|stop is voluntary

  • It is voluntary to download and use the app. If many persons choose to do so, it could be an important contribution to breaking chains of infection, thereby preventing COVID-19 from getting out of control.
  • Once you have downloaded the app, you can always inactivate it so that it no longer registers other app users that you are in close contact with.
  • If you test positive, you must authorise and share your positive test result in smitte|stop. In doing so other app users who have spent time near you will receive an alert saying that they have been in close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
A phone is displayed where the user has paused the app.

Protecting your data and privacy

  • Privacy and data security are crucial to us. Downloading and using smitte|stop is completely secure.
  • Smitte|stop uses technology in your phone’s operating system. Technology that has been developed by Apple and Google with user privacy and security central to the design.
  • Neither public authorities nor private companies have access to information about who you have been in close contact with. They also do not have access to any information in case you receive an alert in the app saying that you have been near someone who has reported being diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Smitte|stop is compliant with data protection law and rules, and the app has undergone comprehensive security testing before being launched.
Read about the app’s processing of personal data here

We are working to develop smitte|stop further

You can expect updates with new features and improvements of the user experience. You can read about new updates both in the app itself and here on smittestop.dk.

Background for the development of smitte|stop

  • In the significant effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, smitte|stop supports the regular contact tracing programme where people who test positive are contacted to find out who they have been in close contact with. This could include family members, co-workers etc.
  • Smitte|stop is a digital contact tracing tool that can be used to let people know they have been near someone who has COVID-19 if for instance they sat next to that person in a café or on the train. The app does not replace other measures aimed at slowing down the spread of COVID-19 such as self-isolation of infected individuals, general advice on hygiene and distancing. It supplements them.
  • The smitte|stop contact tracing app has been developed by the Danish Ministry of Health, the Danish Patient Safety Authority, the Danish Health Authority, the Danish Agency for Digitisation and Netcompany.
Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet
Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed
Statens Serum Institut